Standing Committees

Pursuant to section 27(2)(c) of the University Act, the Board of Governors has the power to establish the “committees it considers necessary to carry out the Board’s functions…and to confer on the committees power and authority to act for the Board”.

The purview of Committees shall be based primarily on the organizational needs of UBC and alignment with its strategic plan, as approved by the Board from time to time. The Committees operate to reinforce the wholeness of the Board as a collective, with the purpose of supporting the Board to carry out its work.

The Committees address various matters for the purposes of (i) providing recommendations to the Board where Board decisions are required or where the applicable Committee considers it desirable to make recommendations, (ii) making decisions on behalf of the Board where the Board has delegated authority to do so, and (iii) responding to requests from the UBC administration for advice and input.

Terms of Reference for the Standing Committees (see links below) set out areas of responsibility and any authorities delegated by the Board:

The Audit Committee considers matters relating to internal and external financial reporting, internal and external audit processes and reports, enterprise risk management, and internal controls at UBC.

The Employee Relations Committee considers matters relating to employment of staff and faculty members at UBC.

The Executive Committee addresses matters related to the appointment, extension of appointments and compensation of the University’s Executive team, and considers any other matters where it is desirable to engage the Chairs of all of the Board’s standing committees.

The Finance Committee considers matters relating to the financial affairs of UBC other than those matters that are within the mandate of the Audit Committee.

The Governance Committee considers matters relating to the organization, operations, procedures, and performance of the Board and the Board’s Committees.

The Indigenous Engagement Committee supports the Board in monitoring the progress of initiatives identified in UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan.

The Learning & Research Committee considers matters relating to learning and research, generally as recommended by the Senates and the Council of Senates.

The Property Committee considers matters relating to the acquisition, disposition, development, and management of the University’s real property.