Board of Governors
Governors represent a diversity of backgrounds and bring to the Board the views of their various constituencies; decisions are ultimately made in the best overall interest of the University.
As per the University Act Part 6 – Board of Governors, the 21-member Board comprises:
- the Chancellor
- the President
- eleven persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor
- three faculty members elected by faculty (two from UBC Vancouver, one from UBC Okanagan)
- three full-time students elected by students (two from UBC Vancouver, one from UBC Okanagan)
- two employees of the University who are not faculty members elected by employees (one from UBC Vancouver, one from UBC Okanagan)
The British Columbia University Act (s27) confers on the Board of Governors responsibility for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University.
Members of the UBC Board of Governors are volunteers and serve the University without remuneration.
The University Act also provides the framework for Board of Governors procedures (set out in the Board of Governors Manual), conferring on the Board the power “to make rules for the meetings of the board and its transactions”.
The bodies responsible for appointment and election of Governors strive to include the following core competencies in the collective composition of the Board:
- operational or technical expertise relevant to the operation of the organization including:
- strategic management and organizational change,
- operations,
- internal control and accounting,
- technology,
- communications,
- public sector administration,
- human resources,
- labour relations, and
- risk management;
- financial expertise;
- information technology expertise;
- legal expertise;
- property development expertise;
- knowledge of government and the public sector environment;
- knowledge of current and emerging issues affecting the organization and its industry or sector; and,
- knowledge of the community served by the organization.
- operational or technical expertise relevant to the operation of the organization including:
Governance Experience
While previous experience as a governor is not required, it is important that candidates for positions understand the roles and responsibilities of a member of a governing board, and have the necessary experience and demonstrated skills to enable them to contribute to board decision-making and oversight.