March 2024

The UBC Board of Governors Secretariat is the official copy holder for files of the UBC Board of Governors; materials are provided for information only.

PDF icon March 2024 Meeting Schedule
Board of Governors | March 27, 2024 AGENDA
1.4 Student Affordability Task Force Update
2.1 2024-2025 UBC Budget
3.2 Student Society Fees – Alma Mater Society Fees (UBC AMS)
4.1 Conflict of Interest Policy (SC3)
5.1 Integrated Renewal Program (IRP) Student – Update and Funding Release
6.1 Standing Committee Assignments
6.2 Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023
6.3 Correspondence to the Board
7.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 13, 2024 Employee Relations Committee Meeting
8.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 13, 2024 Finance Committee Meeting
9.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 12, 2024 Governance Committee Meeting
10.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 12, 2024 Indigenous Engagement Committee Meeting
11.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 12, 2024 Learning & Research Committee Meeting
12.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 13, 2024 People, Community & International Committee Meeting
13.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 12, 2024 Property Committee Meeting
14.1 Memorandum from Committee Chair – Items Considered at the open session of the March 21, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting


Employee Relations Committee | March 13, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. 2023 Employment Equity Interim Report
4. Proposed New Policy: Public Interest Disclosure Policy (SC19)
6. Proposed Policy Amendment | Conflict of Interest Policy (SC3)
7. Revisions by the President to the Procedures of the Administrative AVPs Policy (AP15)


Executive Committee | March 21, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. Proposed Policy Amendment Administrative Vice-Presidents Policy (AP14) DEFERRED
4. Delegated Signing Authority for Contract Execution – Renewal of the Jack Bell Building for the School of Social Work, UBC Vancouver (Routine Capital)
5. Correspondence to the Executive Committee from the UBC Alma Mater Society


Finance Committee | March 13, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. UBC Investment Management 2023-2024 Q3 Investment Report
4. Integrated Renewal Program (IRP) Student – Update and Funding Release
5. 2024-2025 UBC Budget
7. New Program Tuition | Master of Global Health, UBC Vancouver
8. New Program Tuition | Graduate Certificate in Migration Studies, UBC Vancouver
9. Fees | Field Course Fees for the Bachelor of Indigenous Land Stewardship Consultation
10. Fee Correction | Undergraduate Course UFOR 400 Field Trip Fee
11. Continuing Fees | Master of Arts in Economics
12. Endowment Variation Request | R. & H. Mattessich Honorific in Accounting Theory Endowment Fund
13. UBC Staff Pension Plan Updated Funding Policy
14. UBC Staff Pension Plan Amended Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures
15. 2024-2025 University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) Operating Budget
16. Student Society Fees | Students’ Union Okanagan of UBC (SUO)
17. Capital Projects Update as at December 31, 2023
18. Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023


Governance Committee | March 12, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. Amendment to the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Guidelines for the Board of Governors
4. Management of Conflict of Interests in Committee Meetings
5. Dissolution of the Advisory Committee on Campus Vision 2050 and Rapid Transit
7. Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023


Indigenous Engagement Committee | March 12, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
5. Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023


Learning & Research Committee | March 12, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. 2023-2024 Annual Enrolment Report
4. Enrolment Management
5. 2024-2025 UBC Enrolment Targets
6. Tuition Engagement Approach FY 2025-2026
8. Recommendations from the December 2023 meeting of the Vancouver Senate
9. Recommendations from the December 2023 meeting of the Okanagan Senate
10. Recommendations from the January 2024 meeting of the Okanagan Senate
11. Recommendations from the November 2023 meeting of the Okanagan Senate
12. Recommendations from the Council of Senates – November 2023
13. Establishment of New Endowments
14. Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023


People, Community & International Committee | March 13, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. UBC Okanagan Student Health and Wellbeing Update
4. Proposed Policy Amendment: Sexual Misconduct Policy (SC17)
6. Clerical Amendment to Extreme Environmental Conditions Policy (SC5)
7. Notable Distinctions


Property Committee | March 12, 2024 AGENDA | MINUTES
3. UBC Farm Centre, UBC Vancouver – Board 1
5. 2024-2025 UBC Vancouver Infrastructure Impact Charges (IICs) and Community Amenity Charges (CACs) Plan
6. 1260 Discovery Avenue, Kelowna – FortisBC Inc. Statutory Right of Way
7. Board 4 Post-Completion Report Arts Student Centre, UBC Vancouver
8. Report on Revisions by the President to Procedures Associated with the Land Use Policy (UP12)
9. Capital Projects Update as at December 31, 2023
10. Status Report | Action Items Tracked in 2023